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Mary Elizabeth Holmes has worked extensively as a communications coach in the corporate sector, individually as well as in partnership with Dr. Elena DeVos, owner of Words@Work, (an educational consulting firm founded at Harvard University).  


Mary helps clients improve comprehension, writing, presentation, meetings, and people skills. She has created programs specifically tailored to a wide variety of corporate entities from entertainment industry companies to manufacturing. Whether it means coaching business partners, a particular team, the entire company, or a specific individual, she can help.

If there is room for improvement we can accelerate the process.
  • Increase confidence

  • Develop powerful presentations

  • Improve focus, attention to detail

  • Become a better listener


  • ​​Improve Memory

  • Be more present

  • Reduce stress

  • Increase spontaneity

  • Increase creativity

Have more fun!

A few words from clients :

“I was Director of Sales for a large corporate hotel chain.  My superior had communication issues that I will describe here as “challenged”.  I am being kind. Mary coached me through what might have otherwise been an impossible situation.  Together we found ways to communicate with this person that neither compromised me, nor exacerbated her.”


“This year, I suggested that Mary Holmes be part of what we call, “Women’s Wonderful Weekend” at The Greenbriar Resort.  She tailored two workshops to our specific needs.  Both were entertaining, informative, and incredibly successful.”


“Working with Mary Holmes has delivered enormous benefits to us collectively, as well as individually.  Her strength, humor and insight have led to meaningful and measurable progress in our communications with each other, our staff, and our clients.”


“In my meetings with both Dr. DeVos and Ms. Holmes, they showed intuitive ability to design customized programs that were responsive to the unusual demands of my group, challenging these high level attorneys, and enjoyable, although the curriculum was rigorous.  They took my observations and used them as the underpinning of a completely tailored learning program series.”



  • How well do you communicate with your employees?


  • What happens when they get in front of customers?


  • How well do they communicate with problem people?


  • Are their presentations painful or powerful?

​© 2019 MARY ELIZABETH HOLMES   Tel: 323.793.6633   Email : maryelizabethholmes@gmail

SUNSET GOWER STUDIOS 1438 N Gower St, Hollywood, CA 90028


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